MUSICO-owner Remco Roovers has Myotonic Dystrophy (MD), a rare muscular disease with an unpredictable but progressive course. To gain attention for this unknown disease and to collect money for research into MD, Remco set up a fundraising initiative in collaboration with the Prinses Beatrix Spierfonds for which he will walk 800km to Santiago de Compostela this coming spring.
Click on the above button (doneer nu = donate now) or read more about his plan.

On the 30th of March 2018, I will start my 800-kilometer journey from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port to Santiago de Compostela. For a normal, healthy human being, this would already be quite a challenge, however, for me this will be almost like an Olympic challenge. Obviously, I am training very hard to prepare for the task ahead. In Spain, I will walk about 20 to 25 kilometers a day and I will arrive in Santiago on Monday the 7th of May 2018, given that everything will go according to plan. Of course, this plan has a contemplative side to it, as my journey will confront me with my mental willpower and physical abilities, or indeed, limitations. Furthermore, I want to give you the chance to donate for research into the muscular disease MD. In other words: I walk, you donate.
Although “de Camino” (as the route to Santiago may also be referred to) is not at all lonesome, music is a welcome form of support for many pilgrims. However, how can I fill a good 200 hours of walking time with music? The majority of this time, I want to leave to the donators to fill up with their own choice of music. At the end of the donation process (after payment), you can leave me a note. I would like my donators to tell me what their favorite piece of music is (and ideally also explain why). The (musical) inspiration I will get from the music chosen by you will help me to reach Santiago de Compostela. Furthermore, I will collect all contributions in a playlist that everyone can listen to. This way, through music, you can walk along with me all the way to Santiago de Compostela!
Click on the Spotify logo to go to my playlist:
Click on the “donate now”-logo (in dutch: "doneer nu") with the St James shell design below to go to the payment page on the website of the Prinses Beatrix Spierfonds. You can also go directly to As a non-dutch resident you can make your donation with VISA or Mastercard. The platform on the Prinses Beatrix Spierfonds is in Dutch only. Here is a translation of the different fields:
- Donatiebedrag (amount of donation - in Euros: 1,00 € = 1,20 $)
- Voornaam (First Name)
- Tussenv (Prefix – sometimes used in dutch names – not compulsory)
- Achternaam (Last Name)
- E-mailadres (Emailaddress)
- Ik wil mij inschrijven voor de nieuwsbrief (I want to subscribe for the newsletter)
- Mijn naam niet vermelden op de website (I want to donate anonymously)
On the next page you will be ask to enter your creditcard details. After the donation a special field will appear where you can enter you favorite music you want Remco to listen do during his hike.
This may sound like knocking on an open door, but everyone may donate whatever they can miss and every little helps! My goal is to raise at least € 40,000.= with my fund raising campaign. This may sound like an ambitious sum of money, but that is just how I am: if I do something, I like to do it well!
You can donate any amount of money on the donation page, but I would like to provide you with these guidelines:
With € 25.=, you sponsor 500 meters of my journey ($30.-) With € 50.=, you sponsor one kilometer of my journey ($60.-) With € 125.= you sponsor half a day of walking ($150.-) With € 250.=, you sponsor a whole day of walking ($300.-) From € 500.=, you are head sponsor ($600.-)
The Prinses Beatrix Spierfonds has been a trusted agency for donations for 60 years already. The Prinses Beatrix Spierfonds has the ANBI-status, which can be compared with a AAA-rating. Under certain conditions, your donation is tax deductible. Furthermore, the fund has been awarded the CBF charity certification. All expenses made by Remco Roovers during his journey (such as travelling- and accommodation costs, equipment, and time investment) will be covered by himself, so that your donation will go to the Prinses Beatrix Spierfonds in its entirety and will be used for research purposes.

By clicking on the above button you will be redirected to a special platformpage of the Prinses Beatris Spierfonds. Money will be collected by this Fund and will be used entirely for scientific studies in the field of Myoronic Dystrophy.